What’s the secret to finding environmentally friendly spray painting solutions in Brisbane? Tracking down a company that offers booth spray painting services.
You may not have even realised that eco-friendly commercial spray painting was an option in Brisbane! Or perhaps you are unaware of the impact spray paint can have on our fragile ecosystem? In this article, we outline the dangers involved with releasing unfiltered spray paint straight into the atmosphere, and how this can be avoided by choosing spray painters in Brisbane who use a spray booth.

The dangers of spray painting outside
Many spray paints contain substances that are harmful to the environment. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are frequently found in aerosols such as spray paint and have been proven to impact the ozone negatively. Hydrocarbons, which are often used in aerosol propellants, also contribute to global warming. While there are water-based eco-friendly spray paints available, they can still transmit particles into the atmosphere when sprayed outside, increasing our carbon footprint. The only way to effectively reduce harmful emissions when spray painting, is to use a spray booth.
Spray painting booths: the environmentally friendly option
So what makes spray painting booths so environmentally friendly? A spray booth is equipped with multiple layers of filtration during ventilation. None of those aforementioned nasty chemicals are released straight into the atmosphere, as occurs when spray painting outside. The filtration system in a spray booth captures and processes solvents, odours and other toxic compounds so that chemical emissions are significantly reduced.

Booth spray painting is safer for people too!
Excellent ventilation is key to maintaining a safe working environment for spray painting technicians. A spray booth provides a safer, more controlled space in which spray painters can work, ensuring that they are focused solely on the job at hand without the fear or risk of chemical combustion. It’s much better for neighbouring businesses and individuals too! VOCs found in spray paint are known to contribute to smog which causes asthma in many individuals. By using a spray booth, spray painting companies are protecting their local neighbourhood and being mindful of the safety of those both within, and surrounding their workshop.
Where to find environmentally friendly commercial spray painting services in Brisbane
At APT Spray Painting, we conduct all spray painting services from within the safe confines of our state-of-the-art, semi-downdraft spray booth. Our spray painting booth is fully pressurised and filtered, protecting both the environment and the people in it. Booth spray painting also produces far better commercial finishes than spray painting conducted outside. To find out more about the benefits of booth spray painting, and how the process achieves a flawless finish, read our article here. For a quote on high-quality and environmentally friendly commercial spray painting services in Brisbane, contact us today!