Australia is gearing up for yet another industrial revolution, and this time, machinery and digital technology will combine hand-in-hand to take the world to new heights. Engineering juggernaut Siemens believes that for Australia to sit at the table with the world’s industrial leaders, local companies will need to embrace advanced technologies and establish themselves in the global supply chain.
Before the fourth industrial revolution arrives, CEO of Siemens Australia, Jeff Connolly, said the country will need to be adaptive and proactive when implementing technology that merges cyber and physical worlds.
“Also known as Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution represents a world where everything imaginable is connected to a network,” Mr Connolly said.

“It’s an exciting time where new production environments will emerge as information generated in the virtual world will flow into the manufacturing world.”
The industrial internet is a groundbreaking tool that, in gist, allows machines to communicate with one another and fine-tune their processes automatically. Mr Connolly, who is a member of the Australian Advanced Manufacturing Council’s Leaders Group, believes that new-age technology has the ability to be transferred and analysed from anywhere in the world, paving the way for better automation paths and more efficient manufacturing processes.
The Siemens National CEO also believes that worldwide information access will eliminate the need for local competition, allowing each business to be a global competitor, given that they are good enough.

Australia is in a solid position to succeed in this changing industrial landscape thanks to the abundance of resources, skilled labour, engineers and the potential to expand. Siemens understands the benefits of manufacturing down under.
The engineering corporation has long-lasting ties to Australia, completing its first job in 1872, which was constructing the Overland Telegraph from Darwin to Adelaide. This is what opened up communications not only throughout the country but to the world. The German originating company also provided the hardware that resulted in the first television transmission to Australian homes.
We’ve already seen Siemens combine digital and mechanical technology together to yield great results. At their Snowtown II wind farm, Siemens was responsible for the digitalisation process, which allowed 24/7 data flow from over 800 onsite sensors to the company’s diagnostic centre in Denmark. This data helps optimise the turbines for peak performance.

Mr Connolly said Australia’s core industries are already recognising the importance of digitalisation and how it is a necessity for their future expansion and development. Siemens has about 2,500 employees in Australia that provide the most cutting edge technology to our industrial sectors, be that medical imaging, mining, power to processing, electric trains or electricity transmission.
“There are a host of technologies available today that would allow Australian industry to find its place in the global supply chain and take advantage of massive growth opportunities,” he said.
“We need to constantly increase the level of collaboration between companies, governments, industry and educators. We consider the world to be our laboratory and regard collaborative networks as the breeding ground for innovation.”
As machinery gets more intelligent, maintaining it will become more of a priority. If you want to get the most out of your machinery, APT Spray Painting can cover any industrial machinery in a protective coat of spray paint. Check out our superior spray painting facilities today, and contact our team for more information.